Friday, July 8, 2011

Sense of wonder and whimsy

When does it happen?  Where does it go?  Why do we lose our imagination, our sense of adventure and play, our ability to "pretend" and "make believe"?

I love to watch Emmett play.  He has no inhibitions and no fear to express himself however he wants.  When we went to visit Casey and Baby Elliott a couple of weeks ago, I gave him a twenty dollar bill to go in the toy store and pick something out.  He came out with this knight's set - helmet, sword and scabbard, and breastplate armor.  He could not wait to put it on, and when he had it on, and his visor was lowered on his helmet (of course he couldn't see!), he WAS a knight.

And before we left to drive over to the Boston area, he got out of the car at our house with his rubber boots, his owl backpack, and his magnifying glass.  He came inside and told me he needed a map. Then with his map in hand, he was off "exploring".

It's sad that we can't get this back, but maybe that is why we love to be with our grandchildren so much - we can relive those feelings and moments through them.

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